Hamster Weapons
Crystal Weapons
Grown from cultured crystals, these weapons are the hamster equivalent of steel. Strong, flexible
and sharp, they require very little maintenance.
- Battle Lance: OF + 2 wounds (short range missile weapon/melee weapon)
- Broadsword: OF + 3 wounds
- Dagger: OF + 1 wound
- Long Sword: OF + 3 wounds
- Polearm: OF + 4 wounds
- Sabre Fang: +1 to teeth attack (+2 total)--OF + 2 wounds--attach to teeth
- Scimitar: OF + 3 wounds
- Scimitar (short): OF + 2 wounds
- Short Sword: OF + 2 wounds (Gladius, etc.)
- Two-Handed Sword: OF + 4 wounds
- Beetle Carapace
- Crystal Shield
- Hide Frame
- Leaf Frame: Light
- Recycled Metal
Ranged Weapons
- Crystal Vials: various fungi
- Knife: OF + 1 wound
- Quill: This is a special weapon of the
hamaestar that requires the psi skill Quill Link.
- Quill Link
- In addition to providing a combat bonus when throwing the quill, this skill allows
the hamaestar to remotely activate a variety of quill
features (see Damage below)
- Difficulty: MIND/Willpower of target (+1 per extra quill)
- Effect: RD
- Range: Sight
- +RD acts as a bonus to the hamster's attack skill with the quill.
A highly modified stinging insect, it is an explosive self-propelled thrown weapon with a
limited intellect.
- Damage: Stabbing--OF + 2
- Retractable Barbs: Activating barbs requires the victim to roll STR versus Great to
remove and results in a Hurt wound level
- Explode: The quill can be telepathically detonated: Damage +5 OF (ignoring armor),
-1 damage per foot
- Probe: The quill feeds back sensory data equivalent to hamster senses, only
slightly grainy.
The quill reproduces continuously during its lifetime, producing eggs approximately once a
month. The eggs remain dormant until soaked in a nutrient bath. The quill is full grown and
functional in three days.
- Rock: OF + 0 wounds
Projectile Weapons
- Fungus Cannon:
An offshoot of fungus gun research, the fungus cannon is a
large autoloading payload delivery system. While technically capable of dealing heavy
damage with a standard load, its main strength comes from the variety of area effect
ammunition available to it. The payload is accelerated using a centrifugal system. This
makes the cannon propellantless, producing no smoke or flash. The weapon hisses slightly
before a loud sonic boom announces the release of the payload.
- Scale: Tactical (e.g., ships and buildings) level
- Description: A wicked black biotech style big gun
- Range: Extreme
- Fungus Ammo:
- Standard: a hardened sliver of fungus (armor-piercing)
- Devourer: acid effect for 4 rounds
- Poison Spore Cloud: discharges a cloud of poison spores
on impact
- Lightning Cloud: a cloud of spores crisscrossed by electrical discharges
- Fire Storm: self-igniting spore cloud
- +3 OF per round (3 combat rounds). In addition, it will ignite all flammables
within the cloud.
- Fungus Gun:
The fungus gun accelerates a
hardened fungus barb to bullet speeds. Removing ammo from a victim without great care
requires an additional scratch wound be added. Actions are at -1 per barb left in the victim.
This additional effect doesn't affect creatures above Scale: 0.
- Damage: rifle = +4 OF, pistol = +3 OF
- Range: rifle = long, pistol = medium
- Parasite Gun (pistol): Burrows into victim. 1 wound/round till removed via first aid
- Spider Cannon (shoulder launcher): Launcher for jumping spiders. Spiders bind prey in webbing
- Wound: none
- Ammo: 8 spiders (reusable)
- Range: sight (spiders are trained to wrap up first thing they see)
- User skill: vs. Dexterity/Dodge to hit. Great Strength to break (+2 per additional
- Spine Launcher (pistol):
- Special venom
- Wound: 1
- Range: medium
- Ammo: 3 (reusable)
- Thorn Gun (rifle): Beetle engineered to spit a plant spike, usually venomous
- Wound: 1
- Ammo: 6 spikes (reusable)
- Range: long
Special Hand-to-Hand Weapons