Cost: -2 (Buy at Poor level; -2 Gifts per level starting at Poor)
Description: This allows the purchase of psi skills such as Read Minds. Psi skill may not surpass psi level.
Equipment: Cybernetics
Cost: variable
Implant Radio Link (cost: -2)
Implant Weaponry (cost: -4)
Augmentation: Physical (cost: -2) -- 1 attribute (-2 Gifts per level of increase to maximum of Legendary)
Augmentation: Mental (cost: -2) -- 1 attribute (-2 Gifts per level of increase to maximum of Legendary)
Implant Robotic Control Link (cost: -4)
Biological Enhancement:
Cost: variable
Timing Organism (cost: -2): Symbiotic life form which lives in the inner ear. It provides a simple timing beat perceptible only to the user
Provides a +1 to agility/timing-influenced skills: e. g. Martial Arts, Driving, etc.
GM-imposed bonuses
Synchronize: several days with another user causes organisms to synchronize and enter into phase. Allows groups to coordinate their actions with an almost supernatural accuracy.
Hyper-Adrenaline Organism (cost: -6): +2 physical stats per dose
One of only a few ways for a stat to reach Legendary or above
Usable for 3 doses a day (max volume)
Organism recharge 1 dose/4 hours
Dose lasts 10 minutes regardless of dosage
e. g. 3 doses (+6 stats) = 10 minutes, 1 dose (+2 stats) = 10 minutes
Causes 2 shock scratches after the duration has expired per dose