Real world Interrupt

A small break from games for something more serious. A message from the sunset world. Recently, a friend at work experienced a death in the family.  His brief and heartfelt warning and request are below.

Many of you that have seen the news, know that a little girl from Vacaville died last Sunday. She tested positive with the H1N1 virus. Well that little girl was my niece. Her name was Alexis and she was only 6 years old. There are two reasons why I am sending this message to all of you one is because many of you have kids, and you need to be very aware of this virus. Protect yourself and everyone around you. Get educated about this virus and if you or your kids are sick stay at home and do not spread this deadly virus. The second reason why I sending this message is just to inform you that my family has set up a foundation that will help cover all the services for my little niece. Alexis Clara Foundation at Wells Fargo Account # 6174118924. I would appreciate from the bottom of my heart any little donation.

Thanks, <edit>

If you can a small donation would be greatly appreciated by the family. You can always tell people you were mugged in the back alley of the internet.

Swine Flu info

Thanks for visiting. Next week I’ll be covering Spirit of the century. I ran a year or so of adventures I want to post. (Just in case there are people still on the fence about SOTC. )